Tastiest Spanish Avocado Toast Recipe

BY hello SPICA On October 3, 2020
Make this delicious healthy jazzed up recipe

We are obsessed with the tastiest spanish avocado toast recipe on the planet! Pan con Tomate (or pa amb tomàquet, in Catalan), translates into “bread with tomato”. Traditional Pan con Tomate originates in the Spanish region of Cataluña. We love this Mediterranean breakfast so much and you can even jazz it up with with egg and avocado for extra protein.

All you have to do is prep the tomato spread ahead of time and store it in Tupperware in the refrigerator. It takes less than fifteen minutes to make in the morning once you’ve prepared the tomato spread. Keep reading for the tastiest Spanish avocado toast recipe.

You Say Tomato I Say Tomato: Tastiest Spanish Avocado Toast Recipe

Tomatoes are our friends. They’re loaded with a substance called lycopene, an antioxidant — it fights molecules called free radicals that can damage your cells and affect your immune system. It’s what gives tomatoes their bright juicy red color and helps protect them from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. In much the same way, it can help protect your body's cells from damage. Keep reading for the tastiest Spanish avocado toast recipe.

Tomatoes also have potassium, vitamins B and E, and other nutrients. We should really be leaning into this amazing fruit all day every day.

*Fun fact did you know that tomatoes can also help keep your eyes from feeling tired and ease headaches from eye strain? Tomatoes have substances called lutein and zeaxanthin that may help protect your eyes from the blue light made by digital devices like smartphones and computers.

Read the recipe below on how to prepare the tastiest Spanish avocado toast recipe ever! Also check out 11 Healthy Dessert Recipes You Should Try ASAP!


Pan Con Tomate With Egg and Avocado

Mediterranean diet
15 minutes
No Cook Time
20 minutes
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1tsp Himalayan salt
  • 1tsp black pepper
  • 1tsp pimenton powder
  • chili pepper flakes
  • 6 tbsp of olive oil

Other ingredients

  • ½  large avocado
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 large organic brown egg
  • whole grain toast or Ciabatta bread
  • more extra virgin olive oil

-Take 6 large organic tomatoes and peel them. Grab three cloves of garlic and toss them into a processor or blender.

-If you don’t have a blender or processor just cut the tomatoes down as much as possible and you can cook them down in a skillet, it will be chunkier and less of a paste but it’s totally fine.

-Then add 3 to 4 tablespoons of virgin olive oil.  It’s super important to use high-quality virgin olive oil.

-Blend it all together until it forms into a light paste.

-Add salt and pepper and pimenton and chili flakes to taste.

-Put tomato paste in the refrigerator. This is your go-to stock on hand and this is why it’s good to make a big batch to have on hand throughout the week.

-Next up. Slice up your avocado. Squeeze fresh lemon and a pinch of salt over the avocado.

-Then pop your bread into the toaster and put olive oil on it. Fry up your egg and sprinkle some pimenton and chili pepper on it. Take your tomato paste, spread it on your toast.

-Next, add your sliced avocado. Fry up a large brown organic egg in a pan.

-Add a dash of salt and pepper to the egg and cook for about a minute on high heat. It’s key to make sure the yolk is still runny. Add a little more pimenton to your egg. Enjoy this with your coffee.

-This is our favorite savory go-to breakfast in the mornings and the best part about this brekkie is that it really keeps you full for many hours and gives you lots of energy to get through your morning.

-It has protein, some healthy carbs, healthy omega fats, and tomatoes are life. Enjoy!

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